Sterility - Ayurvedic Treatments May Help You!

'Sweets' or 'mithai' are very special and generally made from the pure ghee. The sweet shops and other retailers are busy preparing the special Diwali sweets which are very high in demand. But these sweets you can also make at home.

If the orifices given by nature to expel the waste matter from the body perform efficiently, that is, if the bowels are clean, water is taken in sufficient quantities, the urine is clear, the lungs are able to breathe clean, fresh air, the skin will remain healthy. If the pores of the skin are not given the chance to perform their given duty, the sweat is full or morbid humours which give rise to the various skin diseases, like eczema, acne, boils, and other eruptions and itch. Trying to cure eczema by skin applications is like cutting the leaves and branches of the tree in an effort to annihilate it. The relief, if any, is temporary. If the exudation is suppressed, it may be a prelude to some other more serious disease.

The acute Eczema can be cured with cold wet fomentation and cold compress. It should be wrapped with some thick and soft cloth. The cloth to be wrapped must be wet with cold water which is 55-60 degree Fahrenheit. It should be changes after every 15 to 30minutes. It is a temporary relief method.

Margosa (neem) - Apply smoke from the leaves of the neem tree onto the open wounds. It is a useful home remedy for wounds and acts as a natural antiseptic and insecticide.

Dandruff is the dead skin cells that are produced on the scalp. Due to vata dosha vitiation, this skin can be given out Best ghee in delhi a profuse quantity. When this happens, the dead cells dot the hair. This is what is commonly known as dandruff. Dandruff needs to be cured immediately since it can damage the hair completely and cause hair fall. Also, dandruff is considered to be a very embarrassing condition.

. Folic Acid, B vitamin, used to make DNA and red blood cells, will help lower blood levels of homocysteine, a compound in the blood associated with an increase risk of heart read more disease. Pulses and legumes such as Bengal gram and green gram are rich sources. Green vegetables, cluster beans, spinach and mint are valuable sources. Others include gingelly seeds and meat.

Dishes like rogan josh or aromatic meat curry with a creamy gravy with ginger, garlic, onions, red chillies, coriander leaves, saffron, black pepper, asafoetida, black cumin seeds, cumin powder, cardamom leaves, cloves, cinnamon sticks, poppy seeds, turmeric powder, chili powder, paprika, nutmeg powder, mace powder, and more.

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